Brickman's Theorem and a Generalization

Kevin Shu

Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs

\max\quad x^{\intercal}Cx
x^{\intercal}A_1x = b_1
x^{\intercal}A_mx = b_m

Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs

\max\quad x^{\intercal}Cx
x^{\intercal}A_1x = b_1
x^{\intercal}A_mx = b_m
\max\quad \langle C, X \rangle
\langle A_1, X\rangle = b_1
\langle A_m, X\rangle = b_m
X \succeq 0

Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs

\max\quad x^{\intercal}Cx
x^{\intercal}A_1x = b_1
x^{\intercal}A_mx = b_m
\max\quad \langle C, X \rangle
\langle A_1, X\rangle = b_1
\langle A_m, X\rangle = b_m
X \succeq 0

Shor Relaxation

S Lemma

\max\quad x^{\intercal}Cx
x^{\intercal}A_1x = b_1
\max\quad \langle C, X \rangle
\langle A_1, X\rangle = b_1
X \succeq 0

For one constraint, the Shor relaxation is tight.

2 Constraints

\max\quad x^{\intercal}Cx
x^{\intercal}A_1x = b_1
\max\quad \langle C, X \rangle
\langle A_1, X\rangle = b_1
X \succeq 0
\text{If }A_1 \text{ is positive definite, then}
x^{\intercal}A_2x = b_2
\langle A_2, X\rangle = b_2

Brickman's Theorem

\text{Let }S^n = \{x \in \R^{n+1} : \|x\|_2 = 1\}\text{ for }n > 2.
\text{Let }Q:\R^{n+1} \rightarrow \R^2 \text{ be a homogeneous}
\text{quadratic map.}
\text{Then }Q(S^n)\text{ is convex.}

The image of a circle under a homogeneous quadratic map is an ellipse.

We need to show that between any two points in          ,the line segment between them is contained in the image.


We need to show that between any two points in          ,the line segment between them is contained in the image.


Consider the great circle containing x and y.

Contract the great circle to a point and watch what happens to its image.

\text{Let }\text{SO}(n) = \{X \in \R^{n\times n} : X^{\intercal}X = I,\;\det(X) = 1\}.
\text{Let }T:\R^{n\times n} \rightarrow \R^2 \text{ be linear}.
\text{Then for }n > 2,T(\text{SO}(n))\text{ is convex.}